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2017.9.3 - 주일예배: The creation of the state of Israel and heart of God

렘 16:14-15 Herbby Geer 선교사님 (IMB 유대인사역)

The Creation of the State of Israel and Heart of God

Today I will be focusing on people of Israel.

God's work has a time of critical moment. One of this unique moment is the creation of Israel in modern history.

1948, UN voted to establish two nations in Palestine territory: Israel and Palestine.

What is so unique about Israel?

1. It has been prophesized in the scripture - written in the bible Jeremiah

Historical uniqueness of the creation of Israel

1) Maintained a National Identity for 2000 years - something never happened before 

2) Returned to tier Homeland after 2000 years

3) Their language, Hebrew, was re-used

Bringing the Israel back needed to the agreement of many nations.

God has brought down USSR to bring the people from 'The North'

It took only one day to bring Jews in Ethiopia to Israel.

Why now?

Firstly, God works in His time. I thought it was the Holocaust that made many nations sympathize Jew, but God told me that I was wrong: God has remembered His promises as He did in Exodus. I realized that people of Israel had undergone Eygtian Holocaust: but they cried out to God and God moved to keep His promise. He called Moses in the burning bushes. Same thing happened in modern times - they cried out to God, and He gathered Jews again.

So what is His intention to bring the Jews again?

Romans 11:25-26: To bring them salvation - all of the living Jews will be saved. Maybe they don't deserve salvation, but His grace saved them, as it was for us. 

So what would motivate God to remember His covenant? The cry. But Jews do not think they need salvation? Who would cry for them? (this is the same for Muslims and North Korea)

If you want your prayer to be heard, pray according to His will.

Who would cry out for them?

For some reason, God chose to work by the prayers of His people, His churches.

God will hear.